Vores indretningsarkitekter kan hjælpe dig, hvis det er nødvendigt, med at vælge indretningen, vælge de rigtige farver, dekorationer og sørge for, at alt vil matche i perfekt harmoni. Indretningsarkitekten vil lytte nøje til, hvad der er vigtigt for dig og vil rådgive dig i udvælgelsen. Umiddelbart efter interviewet vil designeren konsultere de farver og dekorationer, gulve og andre fornødenheder, som du ønsker, at han eller hun skal rådgive dig om.
- Interior works
- Design service
- New and remodel bathrooms
- Interior renovations
- Design proposals
- Drapery ideas
- Painting
- Floor plans/room plans
- Flooring:
- hardwood, tiles, natural stone
- Furniture, decoration supply
- Lighting in and outdoor
- Paint color selection
- Wallpaper
- Windows shutters
- Window blinds
- Cabinetry
- Bath
- Planning
- Cabinetry
- Countertops
- Flooring
- Lighting
- Shower/tub installation
- Jacuzzi
- Sauna´s
- Interior painting
- Re-upholstering
- Tile installation
- Wallpaper installation
Planer for nybyggeri eller renoveringer samles i vores ingeniørafdeling, der håndterer dokumenter og beregninger, processen med en byggetilladelse, energicertifikater, sikkerhedsbestemmelser og især alle de lokale krav, du skal følge. Vores ingeniører vil udarbejde alle trin og forberede de nødvendige dokumenter og er ansvarlige for inspektioner og kvalitetssikring af projektet.
- The ITE is preventive legal maintenance, to which all buildings
regularly undergo compulsory inspections, that inspect a number of
elements that may affect the safety, health and accessibility of the
- To carry out these inspections we have a group of professionals with
extensive experience in the rehabilitation of buildings and
structural reinforcements, thus ensuring the quality of our work
- Valuations for tax installment payment.
- Contradictory expert appraisals for delegation of economy and
- Specialist report for any type of legal proceedings.
- Inheritance.
- Obtaining energy performance certificate grants the right to use
during a valid period of time, the energy efficiency label. This
label will be included in any offer, promotion and advertising in
the sale or lease of the building.
- Calculation of structures.
- Electrical Low Voltage / High Voltage.
- Fire protection.
- Storage of Chemicals (APQ).
- Oil installations.
- LPG installations.
- Renewable energy.
- Pressure equipment.
- Installation of water.
- Certificate for the industrial registry.
- Preliminary Report of Soil status.
Uanset om du er interesseret i renovering, nybyggeri at bygge din egen Design Villa, eller du ønsker at udvide din ejendom, kan vores arkitektteam udarbejde alle planerne for dig. Du kan stole på vores lokale erfaring og føle dig tryg med den hjælp, de vil tilbyde dig under hvert trin i processen.
- Services
- Architect Services
- Renovation projects
- Studio Sketch
- Planning
- Developers
- Feasibility Study
- Construction Documents
- Stock and Custom Plans
- Consulting
- Renderings
- Interior Design and Strategy
- Landscape Architecture
- Urban Design
Vi har flere byggeteams, der varierer med den lokation, du bygger hos os. Men hvert hold har én ting til fælles=> erfaring! De følger instruktionerne fra vores arkitekter, ingeniører og vores projektplanlæggere. Hvert projekt har sin dedikerede account manager, ingeniør og projektleder, der skal lede byggeteamet.
- Concrete Services
- New Design villa constructions
- Renovation projects
- Complete Remodeling Services
- Modern pools
- New Concrete Slabs
- Concrete Restoration/Repair
- Concrete Grinding
- Concrete Re-leveling
- Interior Flooring
- Garage Floors
- Driveways/Walkways
- Brick Pavers
- Flooring/Coating
- Pool Decks/Patios
- Attic Stairs Installation
- Bathroom Remodeling
- Cabinetry and Trim Repair
- Carpentry & Millwork
- Concrete & Stucco Installation & Repair
- Door Installation & Repair
- Fencing Installation
- Intercom Video systems
- Metal Fabrication including Stainless Steel
- Painting Interior & Exterior
- Window Installation