Discover NIJAR
Visit and discover Nijar beautiful nature & the best spots
In the region of Almería between the Sierra Alhamilla and the far southeastern Spanish coastline is the extremely excellent little Moorish town of Níjar.Renowned over the years for its superb handcrafts in pottery, ceramics and textiles, this exceptional corner of Andalusia is a stunning natural enclave, right on the edge of the Cabo de Gata Natural Park. Níjar has been depicted as a standout amongst the most pleasant towns in the entire of Spain. It, therefore, comes very prescribed as a place to see and ought to be on any self-regarding guest's itinerary.The visit is made all the more pleasant thanks to the many reasonably priced bars and restaurants offering delicious local dishes.

Beautiful local sights and attractions
Discover a selection of the most beautiful places and attractions in NIJAR

The municipality extends from the mountains to the ocean, the Cabo de Gata. It is the fourth biggest district in Spain. Its reality is thought about s...
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Níjar, Spain last known populace is ≈ 28 600 (year 2014). This was 0.062% of aggregate Spain populace. If population growth rate would be same as in p...
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Níjar is influenced by the nearby steppe atmosphere. Amid the year there is little precipitation. The Köppen-Geiger atmosphere characterization is BSk...
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