Also called as Pucol, Puzol is a Spanish city. It is located in the northern region of the Horta of Valencia. It is located just close to the Shire’s Golf Morvedre. It shares borders with EI El Puig in south and Sagunt to the north. The city spreads from hilly region to the coastal zone. There is flat surface in between that has local population. The main source of income for the city is chiefly agriculture. It has large numbers of gardens. These gardens have olive, cineyards, carob and rainfed almond trees. Large part of agricultural land is full of citrus. Additionally, corn, tomatoes, potatoes, fruits and vegetables are also grown there. Puzol also has farming wool and beef among its trades. The industrial sector of this place has steel plant as well.

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The history of origin of Puzol is as old as 1242. During this time, 40 Christians were allowed by Jaume I to get settled on this land. It was only in ...
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As per census of 2008, the total population of Puzol is 18, 482. It has a population density of 1,000 per sq.km. The current population is estimated t...
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Puzol has normal weather and temperature throughout the year. January is the coldest and May is the hottest month. February is considered to be dry mo...
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